To be honest, leaving my friends and family and moving all the way across the country has probably been the hardest thing I've had to do. Although I am very grateful to be here and have experienced some amazing things so far, I still miss them constantly. Almost all of them are on the West Coast so trying to stay in touch with them is a challenge but we're making it work! I thought it would be nice to share what I've learned so far about long distance communication for those of you that are in the same boat as me. Let me know if you have any tips in the comments below!
Take advantage of phones and social media: we are at the peak of technology right now and I think it is such a blessing when you are far away from your loved ones. I try to facetime my really close friends at least once a week and if we can't, I make sure we have a long text conversation to keep each other informed of what's going on. Also apps like Snapchat and Instagram are such a great way to stay connected because you can send pictures to each other every day and it somewhat feels like you're experiencing things together even if you're miles away.
Write letters: When I moved, one of my best friends, Daniella (if you're reading this hey girllll), suggested we write letters to each other and I honestly love it now. It does take a while for them to get across the country (lol) but it's a fun way for us to stay in contact and do something that isn't common anymore. We also send a little gift each time so it's super cute and writing letters is always fun especially when they're for someone you love.
Send packages: If reasonable for your budget, sending and receiving care packages when you're far from home is honestly one of the best feelings ever. You can send things that are specific to where you're living, the person's favorite snacks, pictures, cute decorations, and so much more! It makes you feel so loved and like you have a piece of home even when you're so far. Plus they're super fun to make!
Plan ahead when you will see each other: Honestly one of the things that has kept me going this past month is the fact that I know I'm going to see everyone I love very soon. Plus, going home for the holidays is usually a really short amount of time so making plans with everyone you want to see is really useful.
Don't be afraid to branch out: Something I've had to learn recently is that it's ok to make new friends and still stay close to your old ones. You aren't replacing them, you are simply making new connections and keeping all of the other ones in your heart. Making new friends is fun and you should try it no matter where you are!
I hope you enjoyed, and see you all on Sunday! Xoxo.